If You Have a Network of Computers

If you're going to run Lynx on a network of PC computers, you need to make sure that each of the PC's is big enough and fast enough to give you the performance you desire.  This is particularly true of the server. The bottom line is that the more speed and capacity each of your PC's has, the better the Lynx software will perform (this is true of any software).  So get the biggest and fastest computers you can afford. 


Multiple PC's can be inter-connected in a network in your office using the following:

You should NOT use a Microsoft Windows peer-to-peer network unless you are just getting started and have a small amount of data. Even then, you will undoubtedly reach a point as your company grows where you will not get the performance you need. When this happens, the solution is to upgrade to a client-server network.



AT A MINIMUM, we recommend that the server on your network should have: 

Note: If you have more than two workstations, you should upgrade to at least a 1 GHz processor.

Note: The amount of RAM you have will directly effect performance. If you have more than two workstations, this is even more important.
Note: You may get started with less than this but as your business grows you'll want to keep more records on-line.

AT A MINIMUM, we recommend that each of the workstations on your network should have:

Note: You also need pcANYWHERE software on EACH of your computers as well. This is important in that it allows for direct support from Columbus Systems on each machine. Otherwise, helping you with corrupted files, hard disk crashes, networks not working properly, or other system problems you may have is much more difficult.


It's very important that you run daily backups of the system (left-click here for help on this).  If you don't have one already, add a Zip Drive to your system for this purpose.

Note: After you have your system in place, contact Columbus Systems at (360) 943-0592 to make sure everything is okay, especially your back up procedure. 

IMPORTANT: See Technical Considerations for an in-depth detailed discussion of network related issues.